Sunday 30 June 2013

Confirmed Stuff for Buried!

Hi guys!

Mario here with an update on everything we know so far about Buried!

So, we know that the basic aim of Buried was to shove a western village underground. We also know that there will be a new gun in the box, the Ray Gun Mark II, and that there are 3 major zombie types: someone you feed candy to, a ghost which could be Samantha and a strange cowboy-looking guy.

However, recently Treyarch released the achievements list for Buried, and this reveals a LOT of stuff to us. I'll be uploading a video here tonight as well, but I'll go through some of it here:

In Buried, be their pawn.
Now, there's two different things they could mean by this: one is that the whole map is a chessboard (highly unlikely). But if you look up what the word 'pawn' means on Google, it shows that it means to take something of value and sell it in exchange for money. Could there be two things we need to get: one for Richtofen and one for Maxis, and then we need to give it to them somehow? No, the old characters AREN'T returning, most likely not anyways. But there must be a way...

In Buried, acquire a perk for free.
Quite a simple one to figure out: just like the minions in Die Rise, the ghost-like woman will probably have a way in which you can get a free perk. Maybe you have to use a certain gun, or you have to get 100% headshots on her. But, one thing is for sure: she can drop perks somehow.

In Buried, access all areas with the help of your new friend in one game.
Again, a pretty simple one to figure out: the new, rather tall chap that you have to work with can access areas that you can't. I've prepared a backstory for this tall fellow, if you may. Ahem...

"This guy was punished for eating candy."

Beautiful story, isn't it just? Well, he got locked in a cage and, once he gets out, you have to feed him a bowl of candy. Once you do this, he will help to fight off zombies for you, and he can also perhaps dig out new areas for you. This could reveal hidden perks (PhD Flopper) or maybe power-ups.

In Buried, drop the beat on 10 zombies in one game.
This is either some kind of trap, or it's the new perk. Perhaps the 'beat' is a trap which you can buy, which drops anvils into a certain part of the map and crushes zombies beneath them. I'm not sure on this one yet...

In Buried, make a candy delivery.
Oh, the possibilities of this description! My best guess was that there's a conveyor belt somewhere in the map. If you get some candy from the Candy Store and put it on the conveyor belt, you can get a power-up or maybe something new.

In Buried, Pack-a-Punch a weapon during round 1 with no one using the bank or the Weapon Locker.
Pack-a-Punch will be available at Round 1: that's pretty dang awesome! This means that we can even P-a-P weapons even earlier using the Fridge and Bank, when we aren't going for this achievement. Imagine storing a Ray Gun Mark II, taking it from the Fridge, grabbing some money from the bank and then Pack-a-Punching it at round 1. This also shows the Fridge and the Bank are confirmed to be in Buried. My best guesses are there's a fridge in the Candy Store and that the bank...well, you'll know there's a bank if you've ever seen a western movie.

In Buried, rewrite history.
Now, some rumors were going around that Buried is set back before Moon, and that Richtofen can teleport people through time. I believe this to be true. I think this MAY (and I mean, may) be the way the old characters come back. There might be some way that the characters can act in order to save the old characters' lives in the future, and they come back then.

In Buried, survive an entire round within the maze on round 20 or higher.
Well, there's a maze. Most likely similar to the Bridge from Mob of the Dead. That's all.

In Buried, purchase the LSAT off the wall and Pack-a-Punch it.
Hell yes! The LSAT is a Wall Weapon. I loved the LSAT and the FSIRT from NukeTown Zombies, so I'm sure we're gonna love this even more!

In Buried, return to processing.
Most likely that one Easter Egg which sums up the storyline of the map, like Pop Goes the Weasel and High Maintenance. I think this because it is the most ridiculous, most non-sensical thing to put as a description at the moment. OR, maybe it's referring to Richtofen's magical teleporter of Yellow Brick Roadness.


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