Smoke Grenade
Level Unlocked At: 4
Amount: 1 normal
Description: Basically a grenade that lets out smoke when it explodes. Great for distracting enemies.
Concussion Grenade
Level Unlocked At: 4
Amount: 1 normal
Description: This technically gives your enemy a minor concussion: it slows movement, disorients target and also temporarily disables enemy equipment.
EMP Grenade
Level Unlocked At: 11
Amount: 1 normal
Description: This grenade disables/destroys enemy equipment, and is so powerful that it can destroy enemy air support as long as it's flying in it's blast radius.
Sensor Grenade
Level Unlocked At: 6
Amount: 1 normal
Description: When activated, it will emit a radar ping whenever an enemy goes into it's radius.
Level Unlocked At: 29
Amount: 1 normal
Description: This grenade basically lets off a flash of light to enemies who happen to be near it, causing vision to go blurred and sprinting disabled momentarily.
Shock Charge
Level Unlocked At: 23
Amount: 1 normal, 2 w/ Danger Close
Description: Electrocutes and stuns enemies nearby. 'Nuff said.
Black Hat
Level Unlocked At: 25
Amount: 1
Description: Allows you to hack enemy Care Packages and disable enemy vehicles.
Tactical Insertion
Level Unlocked At: 47
Amount: 1
Description: Throwing down a Tactical Insertion sets your spawn point wherever it lands. Enemy Tactical Insertions glow red and can be destroyed.
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