Weapon Level Unlocked At: 3 (Crossbow), 5 (Assault Rifles), 7 (Sniper Rifles), 9 (LMGs)
Description: Provides an enhanced zoom whilst slightly slowing your ADS time.
Adjustable Stock
Weapon Level Unlocked At: 6 (Shotguns), 7 (Assault Rifles), 8 (LMGs), 12 (SMGs)
Description: Allows you to move faster whilst aiming.
Ballistics CPU
Weapon Level Unlocked At: 3 (Sniper Rifles only)
Description: Reduces the idle sway of any sniper rifle whilst aiming.
Dual Band
Weapon Level Unlocked At: 10 (Sniper Rifles), 16 (LMGs)
Description: Night-vision scope with interlaced thermal overlay.
Dual Wield
Weapon Level Unlocked At: 10 (Pistols only)
Description: Allows you to have 2 of any chosen pistol instead of one. However, you cannot aim down the scope with this attachment on.
Extended Clip
Weapon Level Unlocked At: 3 (Pistols), 8 (Sniper Rifles + Shotguns), 13 (LMGs + SMGs), 15 (Assault Rifles)
Description: Allows you to have more ammo in every clip.
Fast Mag
Weapon Level Unlocked At: 4 (Assault Rifles + Shotguns), 5 (SMGs + Sniper Rifles), 6 (Executioner), 7 (Pistols)
Description: Makes you reload faster.
Weapon Level Unlocked At: 4 (LMGs), 5 (Executioner), 6 (Sniper Rifles + Pistols), 9 (SMGs), 13 (Assault Rifles)
Fore Grip
Weapon Level Unlocked At: 3 (LMGs), 6 (Assault Rifles), 7 (SMGs)
Description: Reduces weapon recoil.
Grenade Launcher
Weapon Level Unlocked At: 15 (Assault Rifles only)
Description: Allows you to shoot grenades. Useful for clearing rooms.
Hybrid Optic
Weapon Level Unlocked At: 14 (Assault Rifles + LMGs)
Description: Allows you to toggle between a Red Dot Sight and an ACOG-equivalent scope.
Iron Sights
Weapon Level Unlocked At: N/A
Description: Allows you to replace a Sniper Rifle scope with an Iron Sight instead.
Laser Sight
Weapon Level Unlocked At: 3 (SMGs + Executioner), 4 (Handguns), 5 (Shotguns), 9 (Assault Rifles + Sniper Rifles), 10, (LMGs)
Description: Increases hip fire accuracy. However, due to the laser it makes you more visible to players.
Long Barrel
Weapon Level Unlocked At: 3 (Shotguns), 4 (Executioner), 5 (Pistols), 10 (SMGs)
Description: Increases weapon range.
Millimeter Scanner
Weapon Level Unlocked At: 10 (Shotguns), 16 (SMGs), 17 (Assault Rifles)
Description: Whilst aiming, the Millimeter Scanner scans the surroundings and will show enemies through materials for up to 25 metres.
Weapon Level Unlocked At: 3 (Assault Rifles), 6 (LMGs), 8 (SMGs), 9 (Shotguns)
Description: Increases aiming speed.
Rapid Fire
Weapon Level Unlocked At: 15 (LMGs + SMGs)
Description: Increases rate of fire by 20%
Reflex Sight
Weapon Level Unlocked At: 2 (SMGs + Assault Rifles + Pistols + Shotguns + Crossbow), 5 (LMGs)
Description: Replaces the weapon Iron Sight with a precision Red Dot Sight.
Select Fire
Weapon Level Unlocked At: 10 (Assault Rifles), 14 (SMGs)
Description: Allows you to switch to burst or automatic fire at any time.
Weapon Level Unlocked At: 2 (Sniper Rifles), 4 (SMGs), 7 (Shotguns + Executioner), 8 (Pistols), 11 (LMGs), 12 (Assault Rifles)
Description: Decreases weapon sound and muzzle flash. Also stops you from showing on the enemy radar every time you shoot.
Tactical Knife
Weapon Level Unlocked At: Level 9 (Pistols only)
Description: Carry a tactical knife in your off hand for faster melee kills.
Target Finder
Weapon Level Unlocked At: 7 (LMGs), 8 (Assault Rifles), 11 (SMGs)
Description: When aiming, enemies will be highlighted in red.
Variable Zoom
Weapon Level Unlocked At: 4 (Sniper Rifles), 5 (Crossbow), 12 (LMGs)
Description: Replaces scopes with a zoom that can be modified.
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