Level Unlocked At: 4
Clip Size: 40 normal, 54 w/ Extended Clip
Total Ammo: 40/120
Description: Fully automatic personal defense weapon. Versatile and strong overall. Good if you're taking practice with SMGs, as it does a lot of damage, has a good fire rate, although it doesn't have the longest range in the world.
Level Unlocked At: 4
Clip Size: 50 normal, 65 w/ Extended Clip
Total Ammo: 50/150
Description: Fully automatic personal defense weapon. Increased range and largest ammo capacity in its class. This gun is good if you can live long and are very accurate. With the right attachments, this gun can be very powerful.
Vector K10
Level Unlocked At: 16
Clip Size: 36 normal, 48 w/ Extended Clip
Total Ammo: 36/108
Description: Fully automatic submachine gun. Incorporates recoil mitigation technology. This weapon has equally-balanced fire rate and accuracy, with a little decreased range and a lot of recoil. Hopefully you can control this gun and become accurate with it...
Level Unlocked At: 28
Clip Size: 30 normal, 40 w/ Extended Clip
Total Ammo: 30/90
Description: Fully automatic submachine gun. Increased range and reduced recoil. This SMG has a decently-big range for its class and is quite accurate. Similar to the PDW, using this gun with correct attachments and perks will give you a lot of kills...
Chicom CQB
Level Unlocked At: 37
Clip Size: 36 normal, 48 w/ Extended Clip
Total Ammo: 40/120
Description: 3 round burst submachine gun. High cyclic fire rate allows for fast consecutive bursts. Thankfully, this is a 3 round burst with a high firerate, making it very powerful already. It does a decent amount of damage and good enough accuracy to live with, which makes this one of the best 3 round bursts (without any attachments, perks etc.) I've seen.
Skorpion EVO
Level Unlocked At: 46
Clip Size: 32 normal, 42 w/ Extended Clip
Total Ammo: 32/96
Description: Fully automatic submachine gun. Highest rate of fire in class. To be honest, this is probably one of the best SMGs in the game. Equal firerate and damage makes this incredibly powerful already, although lacking range and only having decent accuracy. Good if you're going for a big grind.
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