Level Unlocked At: 4
Clip Size: 12 normal, 16 w/ Extended Clip
Description: Semi-automatic sniper rifle. High fire rate with low recoil. This gun is good because it has a high fire rate for a sniper rifle. However, it doesn't do the highest of damage. If you're a one-shot quick-scoper, this isn't the sniper for you.
DSR 50
Level Unlocked At: 4
Clip Size: 5 normal, 7 w/ Extended Clip
Total Ammo: 5/25 normal, 5/60 max
Description: Bolt-action sniper rifle. Deadly from the waist up. Personally, if you're a sniper like most other people that camps in a certain spot for a while and picks people off, this is the best sniper in the game. High damage and range, with high accuracy, even though the low fire rate puts this down a little.
Level Unlocked At: 43
Clip Size: 7 normal, 10 w/ Extended Clip
Description: Bolt action sniper rifle. Deadly from the chest up, with faster handling speeds. This sniper rifle is good if you're going for Gold camo, as it has long range for you to pull off them long shots. Good, apart from it's low fire rate.
Level Unlocked At: 52
Clip Size: 8 normal, 11 w/ Extended Clip
Description: Semi-automatic sniper rifle. Deadly from the chest up, with moderate recoil. This weapon has a high range wiht high damage, although it isn't as accurate as the other snipers. The fire rate is tied fastest in the game for sniper rifles. Good if you like 2-3 hit kills.
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